LIGHT is a 20+ years experienced professional manufacturer of food extrusion machinery, our company is well-versed in the industry and has a wealth of knowledge and expertise to offer our customers. We provide a comprehensive turn-key solution for our customers, which includes the design and planning of the entire process flow for the food extrusion production line. This includes the design of the building layout and the construction guide, ensuring that the final setup is efficient and meets all safety and regulatory requirements. We are committed to working closely with our customers to understand their unique needs and tailor our solutions to meet their specific requirements, ensuring a smooth and successful implementation of the food extrusion production line.

- Whole Process Flow DesignAt LIGHT we have established efficient production working flows that have been honed over time through experience.

- Building Layout DesignLIGHT has a team of experienced engineers who is highly skilled in designing and planning production line layouts that are optimized for efficiency and effectiveness.

- Building Construction GuideThis includes providing detailed instructions on the safe and efficient operation of the equipment, as well as troubleshooting and maintenance procedures.
Customer Story
Our machinery design department and technology department are comprised of experienced engineers and food production equipment designers. LIGHT food processing machinery, animal food machinery, food extruders, etc. are used widely in the field of food processing, and we also provide customers with total food-production and processing solutions. We take pride in our ability to provide newer, better equipment to our customers to handle their ever changing needs.